Fumigator with good oriental medicinal materials help women to receive good energy via anus and genital organs. Males can receive such energy via anus. Boiling and steaming oriental medicine is called fumigation. In the past, people put mugworts and oriental medicinal materials in boiling water contained in a chamber pot. Or they heated tiles and placed towels upon it for the therapy. Fumigator with good oriental medicinal materials help women to receive good energy via Fumigator anus and genital organs. Males can receive Fumigator such energy via anus Fumigator. Fumigator Boiling and steaming oriental medicine is called Fumigator. In the past, people put mugworts and oriental medicinal materials in boiling water contained in a chamber pot. Or they heated tiles and placed towels upon it for the therapy Fumigator.
When oriental medicinal materials are boiled and steamed toward womb, vagina, or anus, the steam effects will affect vagina and anus. Hip bathing uses water while fumigation applies steam from oriental medicinal materials.
1) Sterilization - Directly affecting diseased part or genital organs, it will treat itchiness, eczema, colpitis, uterine myoma, cystis, etc. 2) Pain relief - Promoting blood and lymph circulation around lower abdomen, it will help with treatment of period pain, leukorrhea. lower abdominal pain, cold hands and feet, back pain, neuralgia, etc. 3) Anti-inflammatory effects - Alleviating inflammation, it is effective for anus diseases, bladder infection. prostate diseases, etc. 4) Recovery - The medicinal materials for fumigation therapy contain a component that increases white blood cells, which is good for recovery of diseased part and cell regeneration on the skin. 5) Nutrition - The medicinal materials for fumigation therapy contain cineol, amylase, and vitamins, providing nutrients to the skin and improving the skin elasticity. 6) Fat removal - It promotes blood circulation of lower abdomen and removes wastes or fat, which is effective against abdomen obesity. 7) Contraction - Fumigator as postnatal care is good for contraction of womb and vagina which may become loose after childbirth. 8) Beauty treatment - As treatment for female genital organs and related to endocrine hormones, it will alleviate spots, pimples, and freckles. It is also very good to improve allergic skin. Fumigator is
- Do not apply this method for one or more hours. - While fumigation takes place and your leg aches or gets numb, take a rest for a while. - Too much application at high temperature range may cause a burn. - People suffering from anal prolapse and hysteroptosis shall not use this therapy. - Diabetic patients shall be careful of low-temperature burns. - When pregnancy is confirmed, stop using this and consult with doctors. - If you have a woman's disease, talk to your doctor first. |